Specifications of Items in Civil Engineering Works

Specifications of Civil Engineering Works It’s not feasible to provide data on the quality of materials or workmanship through the drawings alone.

  • The drawings will instead illustrate the dimensions, positioning, and orientation of the structure.
  • Thus the specifications are necessary to indicate the details about the quality of material and workmanship of the item.
  • The specifications are nothing but the instructions expressed in words, the instructions which cannot be mentioned on drawings.

The specifications are important as:

  • The cost of a unit of work is determined by its specifications.
  • Specifications outline the methods for completing the work, serving as a guide for supervising staff.
  • The contractor is paid only when the work meets the specified requirements.
  • Any change in the specifications alters the tendered rate.
  • A tender document without specifications is incomplete and invalid.


Specifications of Civil Engineering Works It is a contract document specirying the quality of material to be used and the method of workmanship to be adopted during execution of work.


  • It defines the quality of material and workmanship.
  • It protects the owner from potential damage caused by poor workmanship.
  • It fixes the responsibilities of the owner and contractor.
  • Witness in court to settle disputes.
  • prepare rate analysis.
  • It helps the contractor in pricing the tender.
  • It is an important document and plays a vital role in arbitration.
Specifications of Items in Civil Engineering Works
Specifications of Items in Civil Engineering Works

Points to be Observed in Framing the Specifications:

Specifications of Civil Engineering Works It is a contract document specirying the quality of material to be used and the method of workmanship to be adopted during execution of work.

  1. Specifications should consider site conditions, the nature of the work, and the intended purpose of the project.
  2. The main aim of specification writing is to present a clear picture of facts.
  3. Use clear and precise language in specifications, avoiding words with multiple meanings or unfamiliar terms.
  4. Use only well-known abbreviations from the building industry without needing additional explanation.
  5. The specifications should provide complete and accurate information.
  6. Observe the rules of grammar.
  7. Avoid cross-references.
  8. The content of the specifications should be relevant to the requirements after awarding the contract to a specific contractor.
  9. Specifications should clearly state what the contractor must or must not do, rather than what they should or should not do.
  10. Using concise language reduces the risk of legal issues; therefore, specification sentences should be short and straightforward.
  11. Unfair specifications, which place all risks on the contractor, are undesirable.
  12. Specifications should consider the practical limitations of materials and workmanship.

Types of Specifications:

  • Brief specification
  • Detailed specification

Brief Specifications:

Specifications of Civil Engineering Works General specifications are useful for estimating a project. They provide a quick overview of material quantities, nature, and work class without needing to review detailed specifications. Brief specifications, however, are not part of the contract documents.

Detailed specification

Specifications of Civil Engineering Works The detailed specifications are part of the contract documents. They define the specific requirements for each item, outlining the materials, workmanship, and methods to be used.

  • The qualities and quantities of materials.”
  • The proportions of materials to be used.”
  • The method to be followed in carrying out the work.”
  • The tests to be conducted on the materials or finished items.”
  • Type of machinery, equipments and special tools and plants,
  • Their methods of operation etc. Without these specifications, the tender documents are considered incomplete and invalid.

Standard and Manufacturers Specification:

1.Standard specification:



Specifications of Civil Engineering Works It is possible to standardize specifications for most of the items in works Detailed specifications for various works are developed by the engineering department and printed to serve as standard guidelines. These specifications will work as guide and also refer in the specification part of a tender paper to avoid writing lengthy specifications.

Specifications of Civil Engineering Works When standard specifications are adopted for a particular project, they should be closely monitored, and any necessary modifications or corrections should be made. These specifications should also be periodically updated to reflect advancements in techniques.
Specifications for common items like brickwork, stonework, concreting, earthwork, plastering, etc., are generally the same, so it’s unnecessary to repeat them each time. Specifications of Civil Engineering Works In such cases, standard specifications are referred to, saving time and effort.

2. Manufacturers specification:

These specifications outline the properties of manufactured products, such as strength, weight, thickness, chemical composition, and more. They apply to products like steel, paints, valves, cement, etc.are under this category.

Legal Aspect of Specification:

Specifications of Civil Engineering Works The drawings and specifications are two crucial contract documents.

  • Without specifications, the tender documents are incomplete and invalid.
  • The provisions in the specifications hold more legal weight, and most contracts state that in the event of a discrepancy between the drawings and specifications, the specifications shall take precedence.
  • Specifications also serve as a vital legal document in the event of disputes between the owner and the contractor.

Standard Specification Book:

Specifications of Civil Engineering Works The specifications are standardised for most of the works, by the departments the P.W.D., MHADA, MSEB, CIDC etc. These standard specification are numbered and made available in the booklet form.

While preparing the contract document only the serial number of standard specifications are mentioned. Thus the standard specification book helps in filling-up the tender form.

Various Types Of Payments To Contractors

Various Types Of Payments To Contractors Payment is a fixed amount for the entire project, Unit Rate Payment is based on quantities completed at agreed rates, Cost-Plus Payment reimburses actual costs plus a fee, and Milestone Payment is made upon completion of specific project stages.

Full Form Of BBS in Civil Engineering in Detailed Information

Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) is a detailed list of reinforcement bars (rebar) used in structural elements, providing details such as bar shape, size, length, quantity, and bending angles.

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