What is Nominal Muster Roll Form 21
In the case of works for a public body, a record has to be maintained for the labour employed on each day. This is achieved by maintaining the muster roll.
- On the strength of the presence mentioned in the muster roll, payment is made to the labourers.
- The presence in muster roll should be marked by a proper officer.
- Periodic inspection by higher authorities is expected.
- The muster roll consists of two parts.
- In the first part, there are columns and spaces for the names of workers, designation, dates of attendance, rates of wages, total amount due to each worker, total amount due for the whole, signature of the person taking attendance, signature of the officer making payment etc. This part is N.M.R.
- Nominal Muster Roll FormIn the second part, details of quantity of work done by the worker and progress of work are recorded.
The following precautions should be taken in respect of muster roll:
- The muster roll form should never be made in duplicate.
- Nominal Muster Roll Form The entries should be made in such a manner that it is not possible to interpolate or alter them.
- As soon as the muster roll is passed, arrangement to make the payment of the same should be made as early as possible.
- Nominal Muster Roll FormThe details such as attendance or absence of workers and fines if any, imposed on them should be recorded in ink daily.
- The unpaid payments should be recorded and kept as deposit and they should be paid later on by hand receipts.
- During making attendance in the Muster Roll, father’s / husband’s name of the workers and along with their permanent addresses should invariably be mentioned

Imprest Cash: Form No.2
- An Imprest is a standing advance of a fixed sum of money given to Sub-Divisional officer and Sub-Assistance Engineer to enable them to make day to day petty payments. This advance amount is known as imprest account.
- Receipts are entered in red ink while expenditure items are recorded in blue ink. Every payment is to be supported by proper voucher.
- The imprest amount should be spent while keeping in view the prevailing rules, regulations.
- The record of transactions must be prepared in duplicate. Original is sent to higher authority for sanction.
- The amount of imprest cash should be recouped, when necessary, usually at the end of each calendar month by submitting the account of money spent and showing the balance.
Month and Date |
Voucher No. | Transaction | Amount of each payment | Total | Head of Account |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Β | Β | Β | Β | Β | Β |
Indent: Form No.7
- Materials from stock are issued on demand in a proper form known as Indent. It is prepared by S.D.O. or A.E. incharge of the work.
- Indent form is prepared in quadruplicate (4 copies). An entry of the quantity of stores issued is made in all copies of Indent received over the signature of store-keeper.
- One copy of the Indent is retained by the Store-keeper, the second is returned at once to the Indenting officer, the third and the forth copies are sent to Divisional Officer.

- The indent is filled by indenting officer (S.D.O. or A.Ξ.) alongwith invoice, then it is sent to store keeper or issuing officer.
- The issuing officer issues the material and then fills the invoice as the actual material issued. He then returns the invoice to indenting officer.
- The indenting officer returns the same to the store keeper after signing, as a token of acknowledgement of the receipt of the material.
What is Measurement Book Form No.23?
Measurements for all works done and supplies in connection with a sanctioned estimate are recorded in a special Note Book known as a Measurement Book. Measurement book Form No.23.
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