Exploring Piles in Construction

Exploring Piles in Construction are essential in construction when dealing with weak or deep soils that can’t support heavy loads. There are various types of piles, including load-bearing and friction piles, each designed to transfer the structure’s weight to more stable layers of earth. The choice of pile depends on factors like soil conditions, load distribution, and environmental concerns. Materials such as steel, concrete, and timber are used for different pile types, each offering unique advantages. Understanding the differences between these piles, their applications, and the materials used is crucial for selecting the right foundation for any project.

Exploring Piles in Construction and Foundation

In the case of deep foundations, the piles are used to transmit the load of the structure to the soil. The term pile foundations is used to describe a construction for the foundation of a wall or a pier, which in turn is supported on the piles. The piles may be placed separately or they may be placed in the form of a cluster throughout the length of the wall Exploring Piles in Construction.

This construction is adopted when the loose soil extends to a great depth. The load of the structure is transmitted by the piles to the hard stratum below or it is resisted by the friction developed on the sides of piles.

Piles are deep foundations. Exploring Piles in Construction They are relatively long, slender members and are either driven into the ground or bored cast-in-situ. The pile foundations become one of the choices when shallow foundations are not able to meet the required objectives.

Such situations are often faced by the construction engineer due to weak foundation soils, which are not in a position to withstand the load from the superstructure by meeting the desired criteria of satisfactory foundation, i.e., no shear failure of the foundation soil and not exceeding the allowable settlement.

The most important factor in a pile selection is the soil condition and the type of piles ie., a driven pile or a cast-in-situ pile, selection will be governed by the soil type and its consistency of cohesive soil and its degree of compactness if cohesion less soil Exploring Piles in Construction.

Uses of Piles

The situations which demand piles as foundations are as follows:

1. The load coming from the structure is very heavy and the distribution of load on soil is uneven.

2. The subsoil water level is likely to rise or fall appreciably. This may be a seasonal or occasional variation.

3. The pumping of subsoil water is too costly for keeping the foundation trench in dry condition.

4. The construction of raft or grillage foundations is likely to be very expensive or practically impossible.

5. The firm-bearing stratum exists at a greater depth. Piles up to 20 meters depths are common and under exceptional circumstances, they may even be taken to 30 meters depth. The piles are considered to be long when their length exceeds 30 meters.

6. The timbering to excavations is too difficult to maintain the sides of the foundation trench.

7. The pile foundation is to be adopted for the structures in the area where canals, deep drainage lines, etc. are to be constructed shortly Exploring Piles in Construction.

8. The structure is situated on the seashore or river bed and the foundation Is to be affected by the scouring action of water. Thus, the piles are used For the marine structures.

9. The piles are also used as anchors. They may be designed to give lateral support or to resist an upward pressure or uplift pressure.

10. The piles are used as fender piles in the construction of docks, piers, and other marine structures. A fender pile protects the berthing ships from damage.

Types of Piles

The piles are broadly classified into the following two categories:

  1. Load-bearing piles
  2. Non-load bearing piles.

Each of the above categories of piles will now be described in detail.

Load-bearing piles

These piles support the load transferred from the structure. Exploring Piles in Construction They are typically driven vertically or in a near-vertical position. When a horizontal force is to be resisted, the piles may be driven in an inclined position, and such inclined piles are termed batter piles. The design of batter piles should be made because they will resist most, if not all, of the horizontal loading.

Exploring Piles in Construction If batter piles are used together with vertical piles, it may be assumed that part of the vertical load will be transferred to the batter piles also. Load-bearing piles can resist loads either by directly resting on a firm stratum or through friction along their sides. Piles that rest on a firm stratum are called bearing or sustaining piles, while those relying on side friction are known as friction or floating piles Exploring Piles in Construction.

1. Bearing piles:

Exploring Piles in Construction These piles pass through soft soil layers and rest on a hard stratum at their base. As end-bearing piles, they function like columns or piers. The soft ground surrounding the piles provides lateral support, which enhances the load-carrying capacity of the bearing piles.

2. Friction piles:

When loose soil extends to significant depths, piles are driven deep enough so that the frictional resistance along their sides balances the load applied to them. It is essential to carefully assess the soil’s frictional resistance and incorporate an appropriate factor of safety into the design.

The total frictional resistance of piles is calculated by multiplying the soil’s frictional resistance per unit area by the surface area of the pile in contact with the soil. This contact area is determined by multiplying the pile’s circumference by its depth of penetration into the ground Exploring Piles in Construction.

The total frictional resistance can be increased through the following methods:

  1. By enlarging the diameter of the pile.
  2. By driving the pile to a deeper depth.
  3. By making the pile’s surface coarse.
  4. By placing the piles closely.
  5. By grouping the piles.

Materials Used In The Construction Of Load-Bearing Piles

The materials utilized in the construction of load-bearing piles are as follows:

  1. Cast-iron piles
  2. Steel piles
  3. Cement concrete piles
  4. Timber piles
  5. Sand piles
  6. Wrought iron piles.

Each of the abode sembled as which are used in the construction of load bearing piles will now be described in detail.

Cast Iron Piles

The cast-iron piles are generally hollow. The inner diameter of the pile is approximately 300 mm, and the thickness is around 25 mm. The pile length ranges from 3 meters to 4 meters and can be extended to any desired length with the help of a suitable device. Since cast iron is brittle, driving the piles into the ground with a hammer is not feasible. Therefore, special screws are attached to the bottom of the piles, and then they Are driven like a screw into the ground. These are known as the cast-iron screw piles.

Advantages of cast-iron piles

Following are the advantages of the cast-iron piles:

Cast-iron piles are ideal for areas where timber piles would be prone to attack and damage by insects or worms.

Cast-iron piles are ideal for withstanding heavy vertical pressure.

If shocks or vibrations could threaten adjacent properties, cast-iron piles are the preferred choice.

Disadvantages of cast-iron piles

The following are the disadvantages of cast-iron piles:

Cast-iron piles should not be exposed to shocks or vibrations.

The cast-iron piles are unsuitable for work under seawater.

Materials used Preparing Formwork

This content provides an overview of the materials commonly used in formwork preparation. Formwork is a temporary structure that supports fresh concrete until it hardens and can sustain its load independently. The description covers the most frequently utilized materials, highlighting their applications, advantages, limitations, and specific use cases in construction projects.

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