Organisation Setup of The P.W.D.

The Organization Setup of P.W.D. department of the government deals with the construction and maintenance of public works such as buildings, roads, bridges and culverts, canals and connecting works, dams, sanitary and water supply works, electrification works, etc.

Different engineering departments are dealing with different branches of work:

Organization Setup of P.W.D. Public Works Department, Building and Road (B and R) branch, which deals with buildings, roads, bridges culverts, etc., and connecting works.
Irrigation Department which deals with canals and works connecting with canals, irrigation, navigation, etc.

Organization Setup of P.W.D. Public Health Engineering Department which deals with water supply works sanitary work etc.

The Electricity Department deals with electrification, installation of power lines, and connecting works.

The Electricity Department now comes as an autonomous Electricity Board. under an

Though all the above departments deal with public works only the Building and Road Branch is known as P.W.D. (Public Works Department) and other engineering departments are known by their names Organization Setup of P.W.D. .

1. Administrative Setup P.W.D.

P.W.D. Administrative Setup Chart
P.W.D. Administrative Setup Chart

2. Organizational Work Setup P.W.D.

The below diagram will give an idea of P.W.D. organization in to work

Organizational Work Setup P.W.D.
Organizational Work Setup P.W.D.

Functions of P.W.D. Personnel:

  1. Functions of Chief Engineer
  2. Functions of Superintending Engineer
  3. Functions of Divisional Officer or Executive Engineer
  4. Functions of AE/SDE/SDO
  5. Functions of the Junior Engineer

1. Functions of Chief Engineer

He is the administrative Head of the department and is directly responsible to the Government Organization Setup of P.W.D..

  • He prepares the budget estimates annually relating to the works under his control to the Government (i.e. to the secretary of Minister-in-charge of the department).
  • To administer the grant, and to keep close watch over the progress of the expenditure against it; to control the excess expenditure against the grant.
  • He will give technical sanction for works valued beyond the power of his superintending Engineer.
  • Sanction deposit works – full powers.
  • Purchase of livestock Rs. 30,000/- at only one time.
  • Ensure that any money that is not needed during the closing of the year is submitted promptly so that the government may utilize the same for other purposes.

2. Functions of SuperintendingEngineer:

He is responsible to the Chief Engineer for the following in respect of his circle Organization Setup of P.W.D..

  • To check up on items and rates of the estimate of works submitted by his Executive Engineer before forwarding the same to his Chief Engineer.
  • Administrative and Technical control of the circle.
  • He should inspect the divisional office at least once a year and record the results of such inspections in the prescribed form.
  • He should give technical sanction to estimates within his power.
  • Organization Setup of P.W.D. He is to see that the rules, regulations, and instructions, relating to the execution of works and maintenance of accounts are strictly followed.

3. Functions of Divisional Officer or Executive Engineer :

The Executive Engineer is responsible to the superintending Engineer for efficient execution and Management of all works within his division.

  • He has to inspect work frequently and has to ensure that the work is being done strictly as per design and specifications.
  • He is required to inspect the sub-divisional office at least once a year.
  • He ensures that all tools, equipment, and machinery are well-maintained and in proper working condition.
  • Invite tenders for works valued within his power, after it has been administratively approved Organization Setup of P.W.D., and technically sanctioned, and fund is placed for their execution.
  • Ensure that accounts are updated daily and that the accountant performs their duties consistently and on time.
  • It is his responsibility for the correctness in all respects, of the original records of cash and stores; receipts, and expenditures complete with vouchers against payments.

4. Functions of AE/SDE/SDO:

Each division is further divided into multiple sub-divisions, each managed by a Sub-Divisional Officer (S.D.O.) or an engineer of Assistant Engineer (A.E.) rank. The S.D.O. or A.E. is accountable to the Executive Engineer for the effective management and execution of all works within their sub-division.


  • To maintain the initial account records of cash and stores under his charge.
  • To ensure all correct accounts, returns are submitted punctually to the Divisional officer.
  • Checks muster rolls.
  • Verification of dead stocks once a Year.
  • Check works in progress.
  • Submit monthly reports about the progress of work to the Divisional officer.

5. Functions of the Junior Engineer:

  • To supervise the day-to-day progress of works under his control.
  • Organization Setup of P.W.D. To check whether the materials, proportion of Mix, details of items, workmanship, etc. are provided as per specifications and drawings for the work.
  • Maintains attendance of departmental works.
  • Takes measurements of all works in the measurement books.
  • Prepares running bills and final bills for all works in his charge.
  • Carries out field surveys of proposed projects and ground tracing of structures on the ground.
  • To maintain account of Labour for works done through Muster Roll.
  • Conducts semi-annual inspections of all stores under their responsibility and submits detailed reports to the S.D.O.
  • Prepares estimates for various types of works within the section.
  • Bring to the notice of the Assistant Engineer in charge any irregularities in contracts or specifications, shortages in departmental material supplies, or any other issues, including misconduct, that may hinder efficient execution or timely completion of the work.

P.W.D. The procedure of Initiating the Work :

  1. For any type of original work, the concerned engineering Department prepares a proposal report based on a preliminary report which is already submitted to the Government for the favor of consideration.
  2. The Department concerned studies the proposal concerning cost and its necessity etc.
  3. After studying the proposal the Department then accord the Administrative approval.
  4. The Engineering Department then prepares detailed drawings, Designs, and Estimates and submits the same to higher authority for technical Sanction.
  5. The detailed estimates, drawings, and designs are carefully studied and verified with rules and regulations and then the technical sanction is accorded by the competent authority.
  6. Organization Setup of P.W.D. After technical sanction and as per Budget provision as per the Government plan for expenditure the work is taken up for execution.
  7. The work for execution is given to the contractor by inviting tender through tender notice.

Different types of works executed by P.W.D.:

  1. Major works
  2. Minor works
  3. Special repairs
  4. Maintenance and repairs or current repairs
  5. Deposit works

Administrative Approval:

For any work or project initiated by or related to the requirements of a department concerning cost and work, it is necessary to obtain formal ‘acceptance’ known as ‘Administrative Approval from the competent Authorities of the concerned departments to execute the work.

An approximate estimate and such preliminary plans as are necessary to explain the proposals are submitted by an engineering department to the administration to obtain administrative approval to execute work within the sanctioned amount.

Once administrative approval is obtained, the engineering department prepares detailed drawings, designs, and cost estimates. These are then submitted to the administrative department for final sanction.

Powers of administrative approval:

The powers of various authorities of the state Government to grant administrative approval to the state works are as specified below,

Sr. No Nature and Name of Work Authority to whom the power is delegated Extent of Power
1. Roads, Buildings Chief Engineer
Superintending Engineer
Executive Engineer
Rs. 5 lakh
Rs. 2 lakh
Rs. 50,000/-

Technical Sanction:

After obtaining administrative approval for a work, it is necessary to prepare detailed drawings and estimates of the proposed work, which are to be submitted to the appropriate authority of the Public Works Department of the State Government for sanction. Such sanction is known as Technical Sanction.

If the estimated amount of work exceeds 10% of the amount administratively approved, the technical sanction can only be granted after obtaining revised administrative approval for the work.

Budget Provision:

Organization Setup of P.W.D. After the need of the project and its appraisal a project report is prepared in which raw materials, organizational setup, and total cost required for execution of the project are mentioned. Then according to the five-year plan in budget provision for such type of projects, finance is sanctioned after the administrative approval of the project.

The method adopted to have proper and effective control over the expanses and production costs in an organization is called budgeting.

Organization Setup of P.W.D. Budgeting helps in planning, and controlling various activities. It also helps in preparing the programs for the development and expansion of the project.

Various Bill Forms Used in PWD for Accounting

A bill is a detailed account of a claim for work done or supplies made. It includes quantities, rates, and the amount due, payment to the contractor is prepared from the abstract in the measurement book.

Classes of Contractor :

Depending upon technical capability and financial status the contractors are classified by the competent Maharashtra Government authorities with effect from 6th September 1982 as, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII or as Ai, A, B, B, B₁, C, D and E.

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