What is Measurement Book Form No.23?

Measurements for all works done and supplies in connection with a sanctioned estimate are recorded in a special Note Book known as a Measurement Book. Measurement book Form No.23.

  • It’s a most important record as payments for all works is made based on measurement records.
  • It contains,
    1. Instructions on how to write up the columns for particulars.
    2. details of actual measurement in terms of number, length, and depth.
    3. Contents of area.
  • All the pages are machine-numbered. Each book is provided with extra leaves for index, for review by the Divisional Accountant, and review by the Executive officers.


  • All measurement books are numbered serially, register is maintaines in the divisional office showing the serial number of each book, the names of the sub-division or officer to whom issued, the date of issue, the date of return, and the remark.


  • A similar register is maintained in the sub-divisional office showing the names of the officers, to whom issued, date of issue, date of return, etc.
Measurement book Form no.23
Measurement book Form no.23

The following precautions should be taken concerning the Measurement book:

  • Entries in the M.B. should be continuous without leaving any blank spaces.


  • At the end of each set of measurements, the officer recording them has to certify “measured by me” and put his full signature with the date.


  • Before taking measurements the overseer should make himself familiar with all conditions and specifications provided in the contract agreement.


  • All measurements should be recorded in ink directly in the measurement book and nowhere else.


  • No entry should be erased. If a mistake is made, it should be corrected by crossing out and inserting the corrections, and the correction thus made should be initialed and dated.


  • When any are measurements canceled, the cancellation must be supported by the initial of the officer ordering cancellation.


  • The measurement taken in the presence contractor and his signature should be taken at the bottom of the measurements.


  • Any pages left blank through mistake should be canceled by diagonal lines and cancellation should be initiated attested and dated.


  • If a measurement book is used by several officers, the names of different officers should be recorded at the beginning of the measurement book.


  • Separate measurement books should be used for the work done by the contractor and departmental labor.


  • Loss of measurement book is a serious matter reported to the higher officers.


  • When a measurement book cannot be traced for a month the fact should be reported to the S.E. who has to take suitable action in the matter.


Accounts in PWD
  • Account is that method of bookkeeping by which the cost of the service may be accurately known.


  • The system of accounts is the procedure to be adopted by any organization which receives and distributes money.


  • In the P.W.D. accounting system, the government intimates to the Accountant General the names of the drawing and disbursing officers and the head of the Department intimates the monthly limit of cash that can be placed at the disposal of the drawing and disbursing officers.


  • The drawing and disbursing officer issues cheques for contractors’ payments or draws cash against the assignment. At the end of the month, the drawing and disbursing officer submits the closed cash book along with all the connected vouchers to the Accountant General.


  • All accounts and transactions are kept and recorded in prescribed forms as specified in Financial Hand Book Volume VI or the Public Works Account Code. Each of these account forms is given a number, and all the forms are serially numbered and published in a book named “Book of Forms”.
Limitations of Architectural Plans

Power and Limitations of Architectural Plans Building planning and designing are the basic elements of any construction work. The process includes both imagination and technical clarity, assuring the building a not only functional attractive pleasant but also safe, efficient, and sustainable.

Free Civil Engineering Measurement Sheet PDF for Students

To make your life easier, we are offering a free Measurement Sheet PDF for all students and professionals. This ready-to-use sheet allows you to organize your project data efficiently and can be customized according to your specific needs.


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